Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy 35 Birthday to me...

Happy 35 birthday to me...what to do what to do...35 is a milestone...I had to make this one a big one!!! Well since this year has been about finding me, figuring out who I am...I have started to experiment with this and that...this being a swinger, and that kinda liking being with a what better thing to do other than have an orgy with 5 of my most favorite couples...It took about a week to get all the prep done... with a lot of help from a good friend and the forces of the universe all aligned, my party went off without any major disasters...or at least so I thought till I got 9 am txt msg from the last guest to leave the party..."Sorry to be the one that has to inform you of this...but thought it would be better coming from me rather than you finding it...When I left your place this morning the back window to your car was busted out...Sorry to have to tell you this way...I had a lot of fun last night :)"  OhMyGod, really??? Now I have to go check...I haul my exhausted & Sore body outta bed...finding my pink polka dotted robe, my sandals that i kept by the back door and stumble out only to find that not only had my back window to my car been busted out, but all 4 of my tires were slashed!  Happy Fucking 35th Birthday to ME!!!

This is where change begins...